This page describes how B3 Works. The B3 web app offers a responsive interface that adapts to any device, whether a computer or a smartphone.

Interfaccia grafica di B3

Main Screen Structure

The main screen is divided into four main areas:

  1. Login
  2. Menu
  3. Exercises
  4. Navigation

Login Area

B3 uses a two-factor authentication system without passwords.

Login area in B3

To log in, the user enters their email in the designated field and presses the button labeled A. The system generates a PIN sent via email, which must be entered in the corresponding field before pressing button B to complete the login (button C cancels the operation). To log out, simply press button D.

registration procedure in B3
registration procedure in B3

If the email address is not registered, the system prompts the user to complete the registration process, requiring first name, last name, preferred language (Italian or English), and the option to receive updates. Pressing button B (button C cancels the registration) generates a PIN sent via email. Entering it and pressing button D completes the registration.

Menu Area

menu area in B3

The menu contains the following options:

Exercises Area

This section lists the available exercises.

exercises area in B3

Each exercise is represented by a box containing:

exercise control i B3

Once an exercise is selected, the dedicated screen provides the following controls:

  • D: Return to the main screen
  • E: Enable audio
  • F: Lower the volume / Mute audio
  • G: Increase the volume
  • H: Open the exercise information screen
  • I: Disable numerical counting
  • L: Disable background music
  • M: Activate automatic mode, which gradually disables counting, music, and voice guidance

During the exercise, the screen displays the total elapsed time (top right), the number of cycles (bottom left), and the breathing phase (bottom center). Pressing button M to activate automatic mode resets the total time and cycle count.

Navigation Area

Below the list of exercises, buttons allow users to scroll through the available options.